Sunday, April 19, 2015

final facebook page analysis

My Facebook Page.

I have had a personal Facebook page for a while now but I never really posted much. At the beginning of the semester when he told us we were going to have to do a Facebook campaign I was a bit frightened. I wouldn't know what to say or even post. As I the semester went on I found it much easier to post about my campaign. I actually would enjoy helping my brother one day set up a Facebook page for his crocheting when he wants to start a business.

I could have done many campaigns for my Facebook page but I look up to my brother a lot and he is so talented, so I wanted to share it with everyone else. I’m just promoting him now so hopefully later on he will want to start a little side business and sell his product.

I love bright colors and it’s a great way to get people’s attention. With the title of my campaign it made people think of something different than crocheting. I had a friend that asked me why I sent her a request to “let me hook U up” when she was already married. As time goes on and my brother makes a decision to start a business, he will be able to make his own title and main logo/picture for his business. I talked to him about the title though and he loves “let me hook U up.” So maybe it will stay.

I didn't use many tactics to promote my page. My brother was really busy with work since he works two jobs and is the manager for one so we could never find time to just sit down and let me record him crocheting. I wanted to video him and explain all the techniques of crocheting because it’s really interesting to learn. So instead, I posted many beanies he crocheted over the time period. He made scarves, slippers (which are my all-time favorite), and many more things.

At the beginning of the semester I didn't get very many likes for which I couldn't track my page because I only had 19 likes. I asked around and as of a week ago I now have 62 likes on my page. I post picture and the most likes I have received on a post is 7 likes.




As you can see I did not purchase anything to promote my page, so I just did it myself. I should have promoted my page early on, but I had a lot of help from friends and family who promoted my page as well. 

My likes, comments, shares, and post clicks for my page. I do not get very many likes on any of my pictures which is a bummer because at first I did not have very many likes on my page. I received an average of 6 or 7 likes on each picture but I wish it was more. No one commented on the pictures, but someone did comment on my page. Shares, I only had one. 

My Total Page Likes and Net Likes.

I feel the reason why I didn't get many likes on my posts is because they were expecting more. One of Shawn’s favorite and easiest thing to crochet is beanies and I posted a lot about beanies. I should have mixed things up. I should have posted videos of techniques and of other people crocheting.

The people who like my page: My fans

My Posts.

Personification and Mission Statement.


I really enjoyed promoting my brother and his crocheting. The goals I had for this page was to post videos, pictures, techniques he uses personally about once a week. Things got in the way from me posting about once a week but I posted about once every two weeks. I really wanted to show everyone how cool crocheting is. To be honest, I didn't know the difference between crocheting, sewing, knitting, or any of those techniques. I have become fascinated and am looking into learning for myself. Maybe give me a summer hobby on my free time.

I wish I could have done more to my page, but honestly I feel really good about it. I could have posted more with a mixed variety but I did as much as I could and I loved how it turned out. I still want to continue promoting my brother after the semester ends and get more likes and post more. I feel like the posts that get the most likes are the ones with my family and friends modeling the product. I feel it’s more personal and more realistic. My overall experience with this campaign was great. I learned a lot about promoting and how to get information out there. It’s really easy, you just have to put time and effort into it and that’s something I would have done differently. I didn’t put much time and effort into this page. It would have received a lot more likes at the beginning of the semester and posted more than once every two weeks. I really enjoyed doing this campaign and I am looking forward to see what happens and if my brother starts a little crocheting business, himself. 

This is the man behind the mask. My amazing brother and his family. Now you see how lucky I am to call him my brother. He is so talented and I look up to him so much. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

campaign ad/promoting my facebook page

I didn't have very many likes on my facebook, so I wanted to get my page more out there. I seriously texted everyone in my phone: family, friends, co-workers. EVERYONE! My cousin, Amanda, is very big on social media especially facebook. I just asked her to like my page but she also promoted my page on her personal account. At first I only had 19 likes so I wasn't able to track my page, but after she helped me the likes sky rocketed. I am now to 60 likes on my page. I should have done this at the beginning of the semester and promoted it early on. 

On my facebook page it asks if I want to give out an address and phone number to sell his product but my brother is just not ready yet. I hope down the road he is willing to let me help him start a small crocheting business. His stuff is really amazing and he is so talented. 

If he ends up starting up a business, I am not sure if he will keep the same name but I know for a fact he will change the main picture/logo.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

contextual analysis: aaron schock

Aaron Schock’s is the Illinios Representative and on Tuesday, March 17 he announced his resignation, effective March 31, right after the Politico raised questions about tens of thousands of dollars in mileage reimbursements he received for his personal vehicle. Schock adopted an expensive lifestyle which consists of staying in luxury hotels, dining at pricey restaurants, flying on private jets. Mounting questions about how he paid for it eventually caught up with him. His vehicle records has been put together and the government and public has been paying for everything. If anything goes on in the House of Representatives then everyone will know about it on social media. The only reason Aaron Schock resigned from office is because he got caught. The only thing Schock’s cares about is his image and the appearance and reputation social media gives him.
The cultural perspective in this situation would be the way people view Aaron Schock’s now. The way Schock’s put his image on social media and faked his way through the house of rep. Since Aaron has been using the public’s money for all his spending, the social media definitely has a say about this.
What made him entertaining and a big hit on social media, of course, was his insistence in thrusting his face, his gym routine, his provocatively clad (or scantily clad) body, and his b-list celebrity selfies into social media, particularly his notorious Instagram feed. He exposed his abs on the cover of Men’s Health and did a Richard Simmons–esque fitness demonstration on Morning Joe. Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post has called Schock “a new kind of showhorse” for Washington — a legislator with no interest in legislation, policy, or even politics “but rather someone who views the office as a platform to gain wider celebrity in the popular culture.” 

In the culture situation, Dr. Schock’s, Aaron’s father, told the press and the public “So yeah, he broke the law.” Acting like it was nothing that he used the media to gain a reputation and used the public’s money to have the time of his life. Apparently, no matter what, their family and their reputation means everything to them. They will stick together no matter how big the situation is and how bad their consequences should be. His father and Aaron will say anything on the media to their keep reputation.
Culturally, everyone is different in the situation Schock is in. For example, In the article, The lef-destructive mania of Rep. Aaron Schock in The Washinton Post, the comments below were all controversy.
Example 1:
Maybe there are other issues but this article doesn't make him out to be bad (though it seems to be the intent) but very ambitious and maybe making some judgments that weren't great but considering Congress' standards not a reason to resign. Did he crush others along the way with his ambition? If not his drive to succeed is impressive.”
Example 2:
Really? claiming 170,000 miles on his only car, whose odometer showed 80,000? That's inflation of over 100%. Even in Congress, that is excessive. I suspect it's also a felony.
Example 3:
Representative Schock resigns over a funds issues? 
If only every politician in Washington felt the same way.
Everyone is different and it all depends on their culture and how the social media portrays Schock’s situation. Social media can make him look like a crook and others can make him look like he’s being picked on and did nothing wrong.
The way social media and citizens has been involved is when he was using tax payers money to go on vacation, stay in luxury hotels, and eat at pricey restaurants. By doing so, he got the media in on this controversal situation. When articles and videos were released of his doings, the public became involved and were basically journalists. So how did the citizens become journalist? Well, they spoke out in their opinion. Citizens can be reporters, people on the streets, and Schock’s family and friends. People are posting their opinion about Schock’s on their social media and that’s how more and more people find out what Schock has done.

The veracity of social media is questionable because everything on the internet is not true, but everything I found out about Schock was creditable. Every article, video, blog, etc., was saying the exact same thing. All sources were article and creditable newspapers that either personally interviewed Schock or was there at his announcement of his resignation. But the source of Schock being gay or the rumor is questionable because the public and other social media says he is but he denies it every time.
Social media can be a real hassle and get people in trouble. So things put on the media could be true or not true about Schock’s, but what we do know is his image and appearance is very important to him and he took tens and thousands of dollars from the public to receive reimbursement on his personal vehicle.
Aaron Schock is the definition of a narcissist. I’m not saying he’s the only one in the world or in the house of rep. but he’s just one of many of the government official that has done this and got caught in the process. The question is.. I wonder how many other government officials have lied about where their money is coming from and how much they have spent? Maybe they should do more investigations about other government officials because Schock is probably not the only one. He could have been a great official in the house of rep., but he cared too much about his image and the reputation social media portrayed about him.