Tuesday, February 17, 2015

learning two.zero continued: what would I change?

Everyone learns in a different way.

For instance, I cannot be taught through a book or a lecture. I do not enjoy reading and the only time I read is when I'm being forced for a class or I find a really really good book. But other than that I do not read and like I said I have a really hard time reading and comprehending what I read and that's why I have to read it 2 or 3 times.

There are not many things I would change about the educational system but a couple things I would change is the way each individual is being taught. The way students take tests and what is going to help them study more and gain a better knowledge of the material. I think they should take more time on each individual to help them be more successful in learning. Make them actually want to learn and study.

By all means I'm not saying to make it easy because learning should be a challenge but not challenging where no one wants to learn.

I've never really had an opinion about the educational system but now that I am becoming more aware of it I am gain more knowledge of what can be changed.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

learning two.zero

There are many things that need to change in the educational system. Every person learns in a different way and should not be put down for how slow or fast they learn. Some people can’t learn from just being lectured or reading out of a book, but needs to be hands on and something they are actually interested in.

I have a friend that has a tough time learning and remembering information. All throughout high school, she was always in special ed classes and she was always embarrassed to tell people until one day she stopped hiding from it and was open to her disability. Many teachers told her that she had a very slim chance of getting into college and if she did, let alone pass any of her classes. The motivation she had really inspired me and I really look up to her. She applied to many colleges around Utah and was accepted to pretty much all of them. She chose to go to Dixie, so she could be close to her family and friends. She passed all of her classes and now she is going into nursing. I have never seen someone work so hard for something, struggle in the process, but still have such a positive attitude about everything.

Learning can be easy for some and difficult for others but we should find ways to help everyone in a way that makes them want to learn. There is always room for improvement in the educational system. I’m not sure how but there are always ways.