Sunday, January 25, 2015

social networking & stabilization

Technology is advancing more and more everyday.

I see young teenagers with the new Iphone 6 and their faces are seriously glued to the screen. They're probably on some sort of social network posting a selfie. When I was there age I had an old flip phone that didn't work and I would pretend to be texting or talking on the phone to act cool.

Don't get me wrong the internet is a great thing and is an easy access for anyone. I can't really say much because I have a smart phone myself. Technology is making more and more apps to make things easier for us humans. There is an app for anything and everything now.

It may seem that I don't like technology and social networking or that I'm against it but I'm not. I'm just scared that one day it will become too much. I have an Instagram, Facebook, and Snap-chat, all the popular social networks. That's where I hear all the news about whats going on in the world. Its a great way to keep in contact with friends and family and also advancing a new business. We just can't let technology and social networking take over and control our lives. We still have to have an opinion of our own instead of what someone said on the internet.


  1. I fear the day that we all believe what we read on the Internet.

    Einstein did not say nor write, "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots."

    Something close to this first appeared on a nefarious website in 2012 and another version showed up more sites as its agenda was embraced - technology ruining people. It now shows up on sites like this -

    Pretty believable, right? You're not alone. You can read more about this misquote here -

    and here -

    When someone has an agenda, like promoting how dangerous technology is to interpersonal relationships, it's easy for them to create a false attribution and given the right channel spread the idea around the Internet until enough give it credit. Imagine what one might do who had an agenda with the President of the United States, Pope Francis, or Chris Kyle.
