Wednesday, April 15, 2015

campaign ad/promoting my facebook page

I didn't have very many likes on my facebook, so I wanted to get my page more out there. I seriously texted everyone in my phone: family, friends, co-workers. EVERYONE! My cousin, Amanda, is very big on social media especially facebook. I just asked her to like my page but she also promoted my page on her personal account. At first I only had 19 likes so I wasn't able to track my page, but after she helped me the likes sky rocketed. I am now to 60 likes on my page. I should have done this at the beginning of the semester and promoted it early on. 

On my facebook page it asks if I want to give out an address and phone number to sell his product but my brother is just not ready yet. I hope down the road he is willing to let me help him start a small crocheting business. His stuff is really amazing and he is so talented. 

If he ends up starting up a business, I am not sure if he will keep the same name but I know for a fact he will change the main picture/logo.

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